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    I make minecraft art, 'self tought' drawing. Some art is from scene from stories that i make. i am drawing just for fun and not that much.

    ☆quiet follow Yell with Emoji 💖 💐 🎉 😻
    POIPOI 18


    ☆quiet follow

    How Emilie a crafter and Simon a dessert Librarian met.

    Emilie And Simon The BeginningEmilie And Simon The Beginning

    Emilie was in a library in the desert that she had recently built. "OK time for a mending book" she took an axe broke the lectern in the building and put it back. After a while a villager came in immediately she put a stone in front of the door so he couldn't leave. Aqua affinty no, punch I no and so she kept going. 'Silk touch' she thought 'not bad better than nothing ' she bought a book and left. As she walked in the village she occasionally felt like she was being followed but she probably imagined that that anyway sometimes she wished she could understand villagers some crafters could do that. She has done a lot of bad in the past a whole village destroyed nothing and no one was left. But did villagers have emotions could they feel anything After a while she went back to the librarian and sold a few books until he had gold.

    "Okay let's see which book you are selling now" then she looked at the book "Mending" well she already had a villager selling this, but she was still happy and gave the villager a hug "thanks I didn't expect this" said Emilie "You're welcome" said the villager blushing. "I can understand you" said Emilie "I learned your language" he said. "What, why" asked Emilie. "I would like to get to know you better" he said. Just a little before she discovered he could talk Emilie had called him 'Simon' but that was not his real name would she have offended him by calling him that A few days later they ate together in her favorite dining place and did other activities Emilie did start to like Simon he was smart calm, funny and very caring meanwhile he also gave her a special medallion that allowed her to understand villagers and illagers.

    In the evening they were sitting on a bridge by her favorite river it was already dark but it was lit enough Simon looked at her and she looked at him they were leaning against each other enjoying the view when suddenly Simon kissed her. After this there was a silence and both left for their own beds on the way to her house Emilie was deep in her thoughts 'would he act so kind so I wouldn't kill him' she thought but she has already given a name tag and maybe she has done bad things in the past she hasn't done it since. But she can't be with him she can never forgive herself and doesn't deserve anyone.

    "I love you" said Simon a few days later "Are you sure maybe you are just afraid that I will hurt you by pretending that..." said Emilie "It's not like that," said Simon. "I am sorry but I am not interested in you" she said with tears in her eyes they were standing in the middle of the village square so many people will have heard this Emilie went to her house after this. A few days later Emilie saw behind the corner that Simon was talking to someone she was clearly interested in him he found someone he could be happy with. A few days later she was back at the place where there used to be the village here lived Simon's ancestors she built the village back up maybe too let go of the regret a little there she met Jim he was a fisherman "hey" he said "there was another survivor" said Emilie "yes" he said. Emilie made sure no one was left so no one could know what had happened. "I forgive you" he said "What" asked Emilie "You are obviously sorry, and you are making a new village" he said. As she was building the village she got to know Jim better and Jim got interested in her but Emilie didn't really feel the same with him he was sweet but he was very bolt. When Jim tried to kiss her after the village was finished and she put in new residents from other bioms someone stopped him.

    "She is mine" said a Villager Simon How did he get here the villages where quite far away from each other. Simon pushed Jim away and kissed Emilie. "Sorry I shouldn't have done that" Simon said "It's okay" said Emilie. "Why him " Simon asked. "He knows what I did,” said Emilie. "Everyone knows there is a lot of talk and rumors" said Simon "You know and still…" Emilie couldn't finish her sentence she was far too shy. "Yes" said Simon "What about the other one" she asked "Katharina She is sweet but... look in the beginning I also thought like the rest that you were selfish and abused your power, but you built the whole village and I saw how you

    smiled and that sometimes you hug someone because you like to do that and how you treat your animals and then I started showing interest in you, you are not so bad as they think". Said Simon. "I'm still here " Said Jim "Sorry Jim I'm not interested in you it's just you're not my type" said Emilie she was amazed that 2 villagers could fall in love with a crafters but Jim had only known her for a few days so again he couldn't be in love that much. "Simon what is your real name" asked Emilie "I won't tell you I like it when you call me Simon" he said and Emilie blushed. Emilie gave Simon an elytra briefly taught him how to use it and together they flew home. When they got there it was almost dark Emilie was glad the village was finished when she left then she wouldn't have to go back she felt better now that she knew something was there the houses she had taken from an abandoned town and moved to the location where she built the village. "So, are we together now" asked Simon. "I will think about it" said Emilie Simon did not look very happy.

    A month later Emilie was working on a tall building "Hey Emilie" She heard and turned around and saw Simon then she thought about something which she had wanted to try for a while... she jumped off the building and glided down with her elytra and when she was in mid-air, she kissed Simon and they both fell to the ground. "I always wanted to try this" said Emilie "Does this mean we are together now" Smiled Simon "I love you" said Emilie "And I love you too" said Simon. Katharina saw this and felt sad and jealous how could such a smart person choose a crafter over a villager Simon and Emilie were still lying together in the grass enjoying each other's company from then Simon chose a bed in Emilie's house what he also noticed was that the house was already exactly for him there a big bed for 2 people, big sofa a small library and lectern and other things he needs. Just wait until he can tell his friend cartographer that he is finally happy. "What do you think" asked Emilie shyly who just came into the house Simon gave her a hug "Perfect" he said 'just like you’ thought Simon.

    The End
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