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    I make minecraft art, 'self tought' drawing. Some art is from scene from stories that i make. i am drawing just for fun and not that much.

    ☆quiet follow Yell with Emoji 💖 💐 🎉 😻
    POIPOI 18


    ☆quiet follow

    Emilie and Simon have their problems, now that are together they face some problems but it will always end wel but then Simon dissapeares can Emilie do find him?

    Emilie and Simon disappearedEmilie and Simon disappeared

    Emilie lands with her elytra back at her home domain but something wasn't right it was quiet, Emilie thought for a moment and then went to look for Simon but she didn't find him he just decided to live in her house with her and now he disappeared Maybe he went back to high school in the library section he had claimed many different lecterns before claiming this one. Emelie took a rocket and flew toward the school after putting away all her things she no longer needed. At the school she didn't find him either, she went through a portal to a "creative world" where she could fly easily and found Simon in another place Emilie laughed, after she returned she went straight to this place. "New job" Asked Emilie " Well I like it,” said Simon. He chose to go to the newly built dessert hotel. "Do you feel here more at home" Asked Emilie. Simon stepped out from behind the reception desk and hugged her. After a deep sigh he said "well maybe it is ...yes" he finally said Emilie had to think back to that time she wanted to put Simon in taiga clothes. Since that was her favorite outfit but she also had to think what Simon likes best and that is the dessert clothes and houses. "I'm going again" said Emilie "I'll come by next week" said Simon "My bed is here but" Emilie left without listening any further she thought everything was going better but yes not everything can go right, right away. Then a few days later Simon stopped by "sure you make it back safely" Asked Emilie as he stood outside ready to go to his bed after a good talk. "Sure" He smiled and left.

    The next day she heard the sound of Zombie villagers she had slept in her storage house at night and got out when she saw who it was she almost started to cry Emilie tried to push Simon somewhere in the shadows but he attacked her and with the thorns 3 he was gone before she knew it all that was left was the book he carried on his head. She looked at the book there were hearts in it and her name. Also that he had just decided to live in her house permanently by swapping with the other villager who had now claimed the lectern. Emilie was on her knees and began to cry. Until she thought for a moment, surely that was Simon Was he the only one who had that book she copied the world by a magic spell and searched for Simon there, but she had to accept the truth Simon was gone for good.

    She ran to the library to see if she might find something else, she even went to a town only with crafters and there she found something. She made a copy of her creative world where Simon still existed and converted it into another type, she didn't quite understand it herself, in this world everything looked a little different the armor stands, her elytra the baby villagers and the villagers were smarter Also, there was more structure and everyone had a bed close to their workplace but she couldn't stay here quickly she ran to the hotel but Simon wasn't there, she went to her house in hope and there he was, “hey Simon” Asked Emelie cautiously. "Hey, do I know you" He asked Emilie should not be surprised this was normal " You should come with me.” Asked Emilie. "Euh no thank you" Simon's voice was a little lower and he was different but still in some way the same. "You have to,” said Emilie. She put Simon in the boat and dragged him to the old Pillager outpost, but it was no longer used probably because Emilie lives there and had put a few Pillagers in a rather luxurious prison.

    She put Simon next to the outpost and surrounded him with redstone lamps "what does this mean" Asked Simon " Everything will be fine" said Emilie and left again. Back home she replaced the place where she had put him with the other and then went back and freed Java Simon and went back to her house who would live here She didn’t live here it’s just a copy and yet everyone here is real if she built everything she might stay here permanently but with her Simon.
    Dark it was dark there was no light the last thing he remembered was that he had gone home for a while to pack the things to live in the hotel he hasn't said this to Emilie yet, but he misses his dessert style even though the house was only a few blocks from his hometown. Then he heard an all but familiar elytra…

    Back home she went to the place very nervous she had the book in her hands the last thing left of Simon she removed the lamps “Simon” She asked “Yes” He asked "Who am I" Said Emilie "Euh Emilie my Emilie" Emilie smiled and hugged him. "How did I get here did I miss something" Emilie smiled with a tear in her eye. Emilie decided to lock Simon in her house so that nothing would happen to him but in the end, she let him go he had forgotten a few things including his decision to live in her house now he certainly wouldn't want to. "Emilie why couldn't I go outside" Asked Simon he was not angry only… confused He was a good person. Emilie took Simon upstairs and sat him at the table and explained everything. Simon sighed "it’s just I miss my dessert house" Simon said. Emilie nodded "it is hard to believe I am from the past, but I will try to understand" he said. A few days later Emilie built a little addition to the window by her bed, so she had a good view of Simon's first library where she first talked to him. She also added a few things like a cactus and some more dead bushes and other dessert things so she could think of Simon also she put two parrots in Simon's old workspace to make it livelier a few days later there was a knock on the door it was Simon "hey Emilie I decided..." he didn't talk any further but stepped into the house and looked around for a moment and then looked at Emilie when they were upstairs "Looks like you missed me too we obviously don't see each other enough" he said lowly and looked at Emilie "Now I'm sure I want to continue living here then the wa can see each other more frequently well I'm still going to the village and you on adventures and exercise..." Emilie gave Simon a big hug and Simon gave her a kiss and Emilie smiled " thank you" she said "No you thank you this house is perfect for us and well I was thinking what if I put on the down scarf from the taiga once in a while is that okay" Emilie laughed " as long as you are happy it is fine for me just wear what you want. And they hugged each other again. They gave each other a final hug “I love you” “And I love you too”.

    From now on you can sometimes see Simon wearing a taiga scarf and Emilie loves it. and sometimes you can see Emilie wearing a dessert hat to do the same for him.

    The End
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