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    I make minecraft art, 'self tought' drawing. Some art is from scene from stories that i make. i am drawing just for fun and not that much.

    ☆quiet follow Yell with Emoji 💖 💐 🎉 😻
    POIPOI 18


    ☆quiet follow

    Lina met an Illager, but she herself is an villager, but can transform into an illager so she can talk with him, but can she hide it? will Lina fall in Love with the illager and why?

    Eric And Lina 'Why Do I Like Him'Eric And Lina 'Why Do I Like Him'

    "You will heal, drink this and you will be fine" Lina lay in bed very sick while a cleric in training gave her a healing potion. She drank the drink and sat straight. "What happened to you" asked the cleric. "Fell" said Lina. "Okay the name is Felix by the way I really like your style" Lina wore a cloak that resembled that of an Illusioner. Everyone around knew her story the villager with the beautiful blue eyes she had from her mother who disappeared. She only knows her mother is an Illusioner and was born a villager. "Thank you,” said Lina. "Rest now" said Felix and walked out the door. A few days later someone entered the library she and her father ran even though Lina was much more busy practicing archery and her Illusioner magic. "Hi Lina" said Felix "What are you doing here is someone sick" asked Lina. It was strange because he is from the Savannah and she is from the Taiga not exactly close to each other the only reason she met Felix was because she was injured there. "No I just wanted to talk to you it took me a while to find you but luckily a lot of people knew where you were" he said. "You're lucky I'm not here that often,” said Lina.

    They sat down on a bench outside. "So the reason I wanted to talk to you was...I'm half illager too I drank a potion that makes me look like a complete villager I just wanted to talk to someone who maybe understood that we don't always have to be enemies the other." Said Felix. Lina smiled "This is great now I'm not alone" she said. They went out together for walks and got to know each other better and became good friends. "I met someone a half villager just like us" said Felix even though Lina's parents were both born villagers she feels like a half illager because her mother is now an illager. " who" asked Lina Felix started to blush "Her name is Liv, so the name is a bit like yours and she is sweet and very spontaneous and strong and smart" said Felix. "Do you like her" asked Lina "Maybe" said Felix. Lina also wanted to meet someone special in the future. They walked to a big pond where someone was training with an axe when Liv saw them, she walked up to Felix and gave him a hug. "Hey Felix is this Lina nice to meet you my name is Liv I just made this axe and was testing it" she extended her hand Lina gave a hug immediately instead. "Right Felix said that you like hugs" Liv laughed. "I'm going to get something" said Felix and ran off what was he going to do "So..." Started Liv "I'm not in love with Felix" said Lina "What" asked Liv "it's just that you know,” Said Lina. Liv started to blush "that’s good" she whispered and looked away. "Here I am again" she heard in the distance there was Felix with a basket. "I baked cookies" together they savored the cookies. "I'm glad to meet you, you two look like good friends" said Lina "Thanks" said Liv.

    A few days later Lina walked around in a woodland mansion looking for her mother this was not the first mansion she visited of course she disguised herself. As she came around a corner she ran into someone "Don't you know who I am" said a loud voice Lina fell to the ground "I'm sorry no" Lina looked up the eyes that looked stern suddenly changed "Ow sorry ma'am that wasn't how I meant it" and he held out his hand. Lina stood up without taking it. "Would you like a tour" he asked. Lina didn't like this kind of people she ran into more of those people who were mean to everyone except her because she seemed so weak and fragile she wasn't weak or fragile at all. "No thanks,” said Lina. "My name is Eric" the evoker kissed her hand Lina pulled away immediately. "Believe me the tour will be very informative" he said. "Fine" said Lina maybe she could joke about how ugly this mansion is but during the tour she amused herself he was friendly even though Lina knew he was only doing this for her other young people seemed scared of Eric. Eric liked to show his sharp teeth to scare people. Eric's friends who were with him when Lina bumped into Eric left one seemed very sad. After the tour Eric gave a hug and Lina couldn't refuse it felt so good she wished she could find someone like that but who was friendly to everyone. She was also so distracted that she forgot what she was here for. "Will I see you again" asked Eric both were standing downstairs Lina was holding a book she said as an excuse she visited this mansion for a specific book and took a random book from the library. "No" replied Lina. "Why not didn't we have fun together" asked Eric. "You may be nice to me but not to others" and she walked out of the mansion without saying another word.

    When a few months later she sat with Felix and Liv again she kept thinking about Eric and she didn't know why he is mean and laughs at people. "We are officially together" Liv said suddenly "Thats great" Lina said smiling, stood up and gave them both a hug. After the announcement she went to go do archery in the woods for a while to cool her head until she heard a sound it couldn't be Felix because he was with his girlfriend when she turned around she saw a half illager with the same color as a villager Ren couldn't be it because he would never look so scared as soon the person saw that she saw him he was gone. "Wait" shouted Lina and ran after him. "Sorry I'm not your enemy I didn't mean to disturb you" he looked scared. "No worries I didn't think that you were a bad guy what's your name" asked Lina "Vince" he said. "Hey Vince, my name is Lina". Since then, Lina Felix and Vince were a group of friends even though Vince had little self-confidence.
    They were walking in the forest when they saw 3 illagers in the distance quickly Felix gave Vince a drink to disguise himself completely as illager Lina did too. "Lina" said one of the evoker it was Eric "I was looking for you" he said. “By the way I didn't introduce you to my friends the Vindicator is Fred and the evoker is Kass.” Vince looked very scared "This is Vince and Felix and I would like not to talk to you" said Lina "Why not I'm not as mean as you think " said Eric. Lina looked angry. "Can you leave us alone for a minute" asked Eric to his friends Fred nodded and left with Kass. Eric stepped towards Vince Lina wanted to intervene "You must be Vince" said Eric and extended his hand to Vince and smiled "Yes" whispered Vince Lina didn't expect him to be friendly toward Vince was it because she was there Maybe he's not so mean after all

    Things went better than expected since then Lina visited Eric occasionally Felix didn't think this was such a good idea Lina knew best why Felix didn't like Eric and she should think the same but she can't get him out of her mind. In the few days and months, she visited him she did see change between him and other residents they got less afraid of him he even stood up for the weak who were also just as shocked as Lina. But the question was did he do it for him or just for her Because if he doesn't want it himself, he's not going to keep this up for long. She loved how he hugs her and how they bake together and other little things and how kind and polite he was to her. In the forest they held hands "I am glad there are no Villagers here they are so irritating and weak" said Eric he smiled for a moment and looked Lina deep in the eyes "Lina I am really trying to change towards other illagers" he said Lina looked away for a moment after Eric said that. Then he kissed Lina on the cheek and Lina blushed. "I don't know if I should believe you" said Lina maybe he could change towards other illagers but what would he think about her if he knew she was a villager The days after she was still thinking about their relationship "maybe I should forget about him" thought Lina but she loves how he treats her she can't help but fall in love with him but she will never admit it and never say it, but can anyone really change Maybe she should just do what Felix says and never see him again but she couldn't stop visiting him and wanting to be more than friends with him even though she knew that was wrong.

    The End

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