Eric and Ren First kiss (Lin and Felix)Eric and Ren First kiss (Lin and Felix potion of strength).
"Talk to him" said Liv "No thanks" said Ren it was another boring day, but not for long because Felix came over "Why don't you go see him while I'm here having fun with Felix,” said Liv. Ren stood up "And why would I want to see him" said Ren in a louder voice, Liv pulled out Vince's Photo and showed it "I found this under your bed you even drew a heart on it, and this is not the first photo" she said, it was quiet for a moment "at least try to be friends" said Liv, Ren crossed his arms and started to blush "I don't like him" he said for the hundreds time, he took the photo out of Liv's hands and went to his room. 'Stubborn' thought Liv, even though not many people liked him, Liv thought he has a good heart and it's her twin. Just for fun Liv hung a big picture of Vince on the wall in front of the couch.
Then there was a knock on the door, it wasn't her parents they were gone for a week, she opened the door and Felix stepped in "euh.... what's the meaning of this" he asked pointing at the picture. "I Am just teasing Ren" she said. "Isn't he going to get mad" he asked, "maybe but he would just hide the picture somewhere" she said "I don't know what you're trying here nothing would ever happen they don't fit together either Vince deserved better" said Felix "Just wait" said Liv. There was silence for a moment "I have with me what you asked for" laughed Felix "Really" Liv gave Felix a kiss and looked at the bottle he had brought "Which one" she asked, "Number II" and Liv nodded. As they sat outside Liv saw that Ren sat down in the seat in the living and smiled secretly to herself. She stood in front of the anvil with her hammer in her hand and a diamond sword on it "With this potion of strength II, the forging should go much faster,” said Liv. "May I" asked Felix and Liv nodded. He threw the splash potion at her, and Liv felt much stronger, she hit the sword with her hammer and there was a big BONK. "euh..." after Liv recovered from the loud sound for a moment, she saw that the anvil was almost as good as broken into 2 she looked at Felix who was also very startled "What's going on" Ren came out and looked at Liv "everything okay nothing broken" said Ren of course he was worried "Just a bad idea nothing wrong with us" said Felix when Ren looked at the Anvil and back at Liv he sighed "You broke another one" and Liv laughed "Yeah it happens a little more often hey maybe we should just try a strength potion I" she said "No" shouted Ren and Felix in chorus "look now you guys agree again with each other" said Liv. "Anyway, it's dangerous" said Felix and Ren nodded "Okay we'll clean it up" she said ‘back to the old Toolsmith techniques’ she thought. "I'll be gone for a while and when I come back, I hope everything is clean" said Ren, he looked a little nervous. He gave Liv a hug and left. "Did he just give you a hug" asked Felix "He does that a lot" she said and smiled and watched Ren disappear she did have an idea what he was up to from the look on his blushing face.
Vince sat on a trunk looking sad the day before he had trouble talking to people again and fishing didn't really help with relaxing and then there was Ren, Vince shook his head ‘he's only making it worse don't think about him’ het thought. After a while he saw Ren walking towards him and sit on the other side of the trunk. He did that often usually he said nothing or the occasional stupid comment to make Vince feel bad. It was silence for a while Vince was curious what he was going to do next. Vince heard a big sigh from Ren and Ren got up and walked over to Vince and stood in front of him. Vince looked Ren straight in the eyes, both were blushing 'Why must he have such beautiful eyes blue and green beautiful combination' thought Ren, Vince thought about the same but instead of Blue green just green. “Close your eyes,” said Ren. Vince didn't really want to listen to him, but he didn't want to get in trouble either, so he did as ask. 'Would he hurt me’ thought Vince. 'Ren was scary but he would never hurt anyone who didn't do anything to him right' thought Vince. Then Vince felt Ren’s' hand on his chin and brought Vince’s head a little higher and then everything went black for a moment ... and fireworks, Ren kissed him It ended as quickly as it started and before Vince knew it Ren was walking away "This never happened don’t you dare tell anyone and especially my sister" and he walked away. Vince was shocked for a moment and looked to the ground "does he feel something for me or is he playing with my emotions" thought Vince. Anyway, he smiled for a moment maybe this day wasn't so bad. An hour later he was still sitting on the stump thinking about Ren.
Ren went inside his house "How was it" asked Liv. Ren looked at her "did Felix leave" he asked "Euh yes" she said "good, you left everything good too and replaced the Anvil" he said Usually when the Anvil breaks, they reuse the materials to make a new one. "Don't change the subject now,” said Liv. Ren turned very red and looked down "It had gone well" he said. "Did you finally catch up with him" she asked. "No" said Ren and walked back to his room and closed the door. Liv looked confused for a moment ‘then what did he do Oh well at least it was something positive and a step closer to friendship or something more’ she thought. She had felt for a moment what Ren was feeling and she doubted if that was her feelings for Felix at that moment or it was Ren’s feelings for Vince. Anyway, it was a good day for both of the twins.
Ren sat in his room on his bed looking straight ahead with a smile on his face something that doesn't happen often... 'I wish the moment was longer' thought Ren.
The End