thejadeseaDOODLEAether leaves Teyvat for good, forgetting the lonesome alchemist in the snowy mountain. 2 SwishyDOODLE🐰🍑🌸 SunaDOODLEAether ackmaismDONE🔞 It's just Aether (ft. Xiao) 3 xkumakixDOODLEChilde and Aether <3 2 WodeeDOODLE⚠️TW BLOODdoodling for Albedo corruption, and Klee lemoanadestandDOODLEaether, R18 3 riallstrtnDONE🌸XiaoAether, foolishly in love🌸 Opppk10DONEFem Aether 🔞18+?? [Yes/no] JsTae23mSPUR MEAether x Albedo 📱18+? ( yes/no ) 2 xkumakixDONE🔞 NsfwThoma x Aether asdfgorfDOODLEAlbedo is a pro gamer and Aether wants to be mentored 4 asdfgorfDOODLEDilther but make it shota Aether xliczkaxDONE matcha_tea_cakePASTsweet kiss ⛅️🐳 chilietherDOODLE"Aether, look only at me when we're together." - Saccharine Scarlet #Zhongther #nsfw yuliy4869DOODLE kokuo_sakuraTIREDwarning!! blood and eyeballs!!!!!! spakuruwavyDONEnsfw 🙅🔞🔞🔞☺️ 2 WildeFierreDOODLE[Warning! : Slight Nudity]Abyss!Aether asserting dominance 👀🔥 asdfgorfDOODLESomeone let me realize a vital point, Aether got his fill on the wrong hole ah~ Ft. Aether and his lollipop, the adult kind. asdfgorfDOODLEAether is thirsty (//∇//) veiveiTIREDoh good catch 12