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    ☆quiet follow Yell with Emoji 💖 👍 🎉 😍
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    ☆quiet follow


    1❤️ = 1facts about PC (Reply) 1. 佩爾的字跡很醜,像幼兒鬼畫符一樣。但她本人不介意,覺得別人看得懂就好(但看不懂的人其實不少)
    1. Pearl’s handwriting is chicken scratch. But she doesn’t mind herself and thinks it’s fine if others can understand it (but there are actually many people who can’t understand it)

    2. 佩爾討厭心理勵志類的書籍。因為她覺得別人的成功無法效仿,包括心理狀態。而且她還覺得會寫這類書籍的人太跩了。
    2. Pearl hates self-help books. Because she feels that other people's success cannot be imitated, including their mental state. And she also felt that people who would write such a book were too arrogant.

    3. 佩爾的第一個戀人是伊甸,所以她對伊甸有些雛鳥情節,但她沒有意識到。
    3. Pearl’s first lovever is Eden, so she had some special attachment to Eden, but she didn’t realize it.

    4. 佩爾喜歡黑色幽默,但她討厭被當成消費的對象。
    4. Pearl loves dark humor, but she hates being the target of ridicule.

    5. 佩爾覺得羅賓是她這輩子最好的朋友,也是她的道德底線。她真誠地希望羅賓能活得幸福。為了羅賓,她甚至願意做出讓自己吃大虧的決定。
    5. Pearl feels that Robin is her best friend in life and also her moral bottom line, she sincerely hoped that Robin would live a happy life. She was even willing to make decisions for Robin that would put her at great disadvantage.

    6. 佩爾喜歡喝琴酒。在她發現禮頓也喜歡琴酒時,她覺得很噁爛。但她還是很愛琴酒,只是更討厭禮頓了。
    6. Pearl likes to drink gin. She felt disgusted when she discovered that Leighton also liked gin. After that, she still loved Gin, but she hated Leighton even more.

    7. 佩爾做過最浪漫的事是在伊甸家的田種滿伊甸喜歡的花(她在其他田地只會種最值錢的作物),但她不會承認這個行為是為了討伊甸歡心。
    7. The most romantic thing Pearl has ever done is to plant Eden’s favorite flowers in Eden’s family field (she would only plant the most valuable crops in other fields), but she won't admit that this behavior is to please Eden.

    8. 佩爾喜歡只經過簡單烹調的菜餚,但她依然不能接受貝利做出來的料理。她在成年前會說服自己「貝利這麼忙,至少她還願意花時間做」,但成年後只覺得貝利根本在挑戰煮最老食物的金氏世界紀錄。
    8. Pearl likes simple dishes, but she still can't accept Bailey's cooking. In the past, she would convince herself that "Bailey is so busy, at least she is willing to spend time doing it." But now she just feels that Bailey is basically trying to challenge the Guinness World Record for the longest time to cook food.

    9. 佩爾的父母親是從法國來的非法移民。她幾乎忘記父母親的長相了,但她隱約記得她小時候最喜歡溫柔又愛笑的母親,而父親是個暴力又霸道的混帳。然而她的個性氣質跟她父親幾乎一模一樣。
    9. Pearl’s parents are illegal immigrants from France. She had almost forgotten what her parents looked like, but she vaguely remembered her favorite mother who was gentle and smiling when she was a child, while her father was a violent and overbearing bastard. However, her personality and temperament are almost exactly the same as those of her father.

    10. 「威爾遜」這個姓氏是英國法院為她取的。因為她在成為孤兒的時候,她的父母親沒有留下任何書面資料。但她當時至少記得父母親稱呼她為「佩爾」。
    10. The surname "Wilson" was given to her by a british courts. Because when she became an orphan, her parents did not leave any written information. But she at least remembered her parents calling her "Pearl".

    11. 佩爾不知道為什麼自己特別受女人歡迎,但她會利用這點試著撈些好處。然而她只會因此碰到更多麻煩。
    11. Pearl doesn't know why she's so popular with women, but she tries to take advantage of it. Unfortunately, this only got her into more trouble.

    12. 佩爾喜歡小動物跟小孩,因為她覺得他們天真無邪又小小隻的樣子很惹人憐愛。同時,她的心中會產生可愛侵略性 (cute aggression) ,但她會忍住衝動。
    12. Pearl likes spawns and childrens because she finds their innocent and small appearance very endearing. At the same time, she gets cute aggression, but she tolerates it.

    13. 佩爾覺得凱拉爾平常就像小動物一樣,尤其是她安靜的時候特別可愛。但要是凱拉爾開始做出任何情緒化舉動的話,佩爾只會覺得很麻煩。
    13. Pearl thinks that Kylar is like a spawn, especially when she is quiet. But if Kylar started to act emotionally in any way, Pearl would just find it troublesome.

    14. 佩爾是工作狂。除非必要,不然她不會把精力浪費在沒辦法賺錢的事物上。但她不太喜歡一樣是工作狂類型的人,因為她覺得這種人通常很難相處。
    14. Pearl is a workaholic and won’t waste her energy on things that don’t make money unless necessary. But she doesn't really like people who are workaholics, because she thinks such people are usually difficult to deal with.

    15. 佩爾很喜歡吸收新知識,途中會學到很多小雜學。她常常有意無意地在聊天的時候穿插各式各樣剛學到的小雜學,在她發現艾弗里沒有特別排斥這類話題時,她很開心。
    15. Pearl likes to absorb new knowledge and will learn a lot of trivia along the way. She would often, intentionally or unintentionally, intersperse all kinds of trivia she had just learned while chatting, and she was very happy when she found that Avery did not particularly reject such topics.

    16. 佩爾對不熟的人會表現得很友善、可靠,但對熟人通常會毫無保留地展現她的壞脾氣,而且會用(她認為合理的)高標準要求他們。少數不會讓她這樣做的例外是羅賓、悉尼跟貝利。艾弗里不算,因為佩爾根本不覺得她算熟人。
    16. Pearl will act friendly and reliable to people she doesn't know well, but will often show her bad temper without reservation to people she knows well, and will hold them to (what she considers reasonable) high standards. The few exceptions are Robin, Sydney and Bailey. Avery doesn't count because Pearl doesn't consider her an acquaintance at all.
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