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    Can speak Chinese and English.Learning Janpanese.
    ACGN is my favorite, I will almost write down my thought to you guys.
    But if you don't like my work, you can directly go left to other site, don't do anything childish or like a silly:)
    中英文都通 日文學習中。很宅、極度宅。然後我會盡量把我腦中的故事寫下來,你們如果喜歡就幫我留下評論,不喜歡就直接左轉,不要做一些像是笨蛋才會做的事。

    thanks for following me.

    ☆quiet follow Send AirSkeb request Yell with Emoji 💖 👍 🎉 😍
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     存在妖怪的古老世界
     文末有3p。
     妖怪相關設定沒有很嚴謹
     沒有很特定設定是哪個種類的妖怪
     lof百粉點文活動之一
     ooc

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