Burning Pesky InsectsIt started with me reading the art magazine I bought yesterday. My hypothetical girlfriend decided to kiss me and we cuddled after that. Then there was a knock on the door. It was a friend (face covered) and they have a bag of goldfish. Of course, I scurried around to find a nice container for the little one since I had no proper aquarium for them. As I opened the cabinet, I saw the vase that housed my betta fish when I was a kid. I put the goldfish in there.
I caught up with my friend then suddenly, the goldfish multiplied. There's now three of them Each had different spot placements, it was so cute. They were distinct from each other. I transferred each to a different container. I looked away for a moment, the weird-looking insects started bullying them.
We cried and shooed away the insects. The goldfish trio had ripped fins and tails. My friend told me to train my goldfish to fight back. I brought them to the spirit realm so we get epic training to fight against those freaky insects (and my enemies). We trained, we trained, we trained
The goldfish trio learned to swim without water, make themselves bigger and turn themselves into fire. The following day, the insects came to disturb us. I commanded the goldfish trio to fight them. The insects were incinerated successfully
It turns out, one of my old bullies released them so I had the goldfish trio surround the bully. "What's your problem" I asked, "We're trying to live peacefully here"
The bully said nothing...
My mother woke me up to tell me, we have no birthday walk today :(