DONEhttps://poipiku.com/4619295/7108188.htmlの自己翻訳です。(ENG / 한글)
漫画自己翻訳①I have put up a translation of the dialogues on a trial basis. Since I rely entirely on translation tools, I may have chosen unnatural words. Please understand.
I hope you can get a sense of the overall atmosphere, even if only vaguely.
시험삼아 대사의 번역을 실어 보았습니다.번역 툴에 전면적으로 의지하고 있기 때문에, 부자연스러운 말을 선택하고 있을 가능성이 있습니다.양해 바랍니다.
3046I hope you can get a sense of the overall atmosphere, even if only vaguely.
시험삼아 대사의 번역을 실어 보았습니다.번역 툴에 전면적으로 의지하고 있기 때문에, 부자연스러운 말을 선택하고 있을 가능성이 있습니다.양해 바랍니다.
ENGver added.
NSFW Kazama×Kashiwagi
※please read from right to left. 9
DONEstyle 早安三明治 🥪 | 中文morning sandwich
ENG ver
https://twitter.com/wani4ni/status/1508537618484838401 2
DOODLEYou waking up a bit earlier than ✖️eno. 1 (9p in all)For April 1st, the day of un-petrify!
ENG translation from URL 9
DONE人修羅くんのメガテン5実況・日英同時生配信、面白かったですね😄見逃した方の為に切り抜きを置いておきますDemi-fiend played SMT5 live on air! This is a clipping of it(JPN&ENG)
DONEEng version "Everyone in this BL fandom is a Man"First published July 2021
Original: https://manga-lab.net/title/46810 8
SPOILER【バロ従】謎設定のにゃんにゃめとバロ従のまんが⚠️擬人化有 普通にマスコットキャラ崩壊【ENG】This is a translation from @reforgedspirit. thank you!!! 27
DONEEng version "Ikeba the Ikemen"Written with Koltreg (https://twitter.com/Koltreg)
Original: https://manga-lab.net/title/54832 4
TRAINING【Translated English.】This comic is made from an episode in which Soseki Natsume described "I love you" as "The moon is beautiful" in Japanese.
DONEBasketball Grandma eng versionOriginal: https://manga-meets.jp/comics/b29ae52a-9691-4938-8380-443f299148e1/1 5
MEMO【拙ENG】👶🍼🦋Anna "Chui"
Did you make a good boy
you are "home alone". Did you feel lonely
Are you hungry
(Jolyne speaks baby talk)
Oh sure ...
"I was very lonely
I want to drink warm milk quickly. "
When jolyne gets drunk and comes home, she suddenly starts exchanging baby talk.
It’s not bad to have treating me like a baby ... Mr. Anna Chui decided to enjoy this situation with 2 seconds of thinking🦋💞
404Did you make a good boy
you are "home alone". Did you feel lonely
Are you hungry
(Jolyne speaks baby talk)
Oh sure ...
"I was very lonely
I want to drink warm milk quickly. "
When jolyne gets drunk and comes home, she suddenly starts exchanging baby talk.
It’s not bad to have treating me like a baby ... Mr. Anna Chui decided to enjoy this situation with 2 seconds of thinking🦋💞
SPOILER【バロ従】バロ従ワンドロのまとめ/バ従専用垢にて参加したログまとめ⚠️ネタバレ spoiler
ENG→https://poipiku.com/2567/5959690.html 32
MEMO【拙ENG】🧼💗Hey Trish
You call me a stinky smell
Then you should wash and clean me
Hmm… mumps…
I won't go home anymore.
You two alone ...
Hey ... Trish
what did you say
…What. With such a face.
I'll give you a nice scent ...
Trish Do you understand
When you wash me, I'm naked ...
It's noisy
1528You call me a stinky smell
Then you should wash and clean me
Hmm… mumps…
I won't go home anymore.
You two alone ...
Hey ... Trish
what did you say
…What. With such a face.
I'll give you a nice scent ...
Trish Do you understand
When you wash me, I'm naked ...
It's noisy
詳細(& Eng info)↓
BOOTH→ https://eputo.booth.pm/items/3535287
書店分も有👍 6
MEMO【ENG / 英語版】twitter.com/saturn_ribbon/status/1473227763616129024
N: good at games, mostly does 1-player
S: kinda sucks, but aims to win
B: too strong, tends to win w/o trying 4
arid plain
DOODLEFinally got around to that ff archive and of course he likes him.my wishes of 🌺 beneath the mask ever so stronger
theres so few male covers of that song, the eng would kill him but oh man.
DONEeng ver※This translation lacks proofreading by native speaker. Sorry for poor English! 16
DONEdone this early so there're many headcanons which have been proved wrongbecauseof my poor eng ability,pls correct me or lemme know if u find any grammatical errors, I'll be appreciate😚
liunailiu"Who are you"
More than once,LiuDongcheng had asked Naidan.There so many fighters who've been recruited from all over the world,yet it is still rarely to see one that can beat an A-class fighter like him in his very first stage in purgatory,even though this one is more like a show than an actual fight.
3687More than once,LiuDongcheng had asked Naidan.There so many fighters who've been recruited from all over the world,yet it is still rarely to see one that can beat an A-class fighter like him in his very first stage in purgatory,even though this one is more like a show than an actual fight.