DOODLElike, canoncally I know they absolutely take him seriously, but the thought of Ouken getting babied by his big brothers is just funny. Also introducing his bestie. 4kokuto78
PAST「オンブラ・マイ・フ」(Ombra mai fu)
ゆめ穢すなかれ 汝らの貴き平穏を」
かくも慕わしく 愛らしく快いものは」
This is the first draft of my Underworld comic idea. It is way too self-indulgent, hahaha
But I had so much fun
Enjoy! 26
DOODLE #Disney theme with the #meifu Brothers of the Underworld #ousamaranking #rankingofkings #王様ランキング #王ランプラス #らくがき #ouken #despa #desha 4Reinapantera
DONE"I want to tell you a secret that will see you through all the trials that life can offer.""Have courage and be kind!
#ousamaranking #rankingofkings #王様ランキング #王ランプラス #despa #PrinceDespa #oc #Ocxca 3
DONEWhen I find her, I'll know. Without a doubt it'll just... BAM! Hit me... like lightning. You're the one, the one I've been looking for. Someday I'll be part of your world." 6Reinapantera
SPUR ME"My dearest friend, if you don’t mind, I’d like to join you by your side, where we can gaze into the stars.""For it is plain, as anyone can see. We’re simply meant to be."#KingDesha #OC 3
DOODLE“She warned him not to be deceived by appearances, for beauty is found within.I never felt this way about anyone. I wanna do something for her."#ousamaranking #rankingofkings #王様ランキング #デスハー #anime 5
DOODLEI dare you #ousamaranking #rankingofkings #王様ランキング #王ランプラス #らくがき #人兽 #デスハ #kingSatun #デスハ 7Reinapantera
MOURNINGI love you so, please let me go #ousamaranking #rankingofkings #王様ランキング #王ランプラス #らくがき #デスハー #Ocxcanon #meifu #kingdesha #デスハ#oc #hentai 4twatryoshka
DOODLEOld friends greeting each other with songsCuz one time i thought it'd be funny if they met up Despa sings "Bebin" by Sevdaliza & Bebin sings "Despacito" as a response
DOODLEbaby Meifu Brothers[translated dialogue]
⚡: you two are a burden
💰: Brother go that way, no wait that way, step aside then turn right and then-
⚔️: ba ba ba ba ba