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    POIPOI 8


    ☆quiet follow

    English translation for my KakuMai (Kakucho x Mikey) comic.

    "Red Giant" translation (ENG)K = Kakucho
    M = Mikey
    [] = narration/inner monologue
    () = thoughts

    Page 1
    K: [When my parents died, Izana appeared before me.]
    K: [And when Izana died,]

    Page 2
    K: [Mikey appeared before me.]
    K: [And now, for the first time in my life]

    Page 3
    K: [I was left completely and utterly alone.]

    Page 4
    {title page}

    Page 5
    K: [If I recall, the first time we spoke to each other was the second time we had met.]
    M: Thanks for meeting me here. I wanted you to have this since there was so much written about you.

    Page 6
    M: My arm's getting tired.
    K: Ah-- sorry.
    M: Well, I better get goi--
    K: Wait.

    Page 7
    K: I--
    K: I want to learn more about your older brother.
    K: Izana used to hang out with him a lot, so...
    M: ...Sure.
    K: [As we walked about the pier and talked, it seemed almost inconceivable that we were on opposite sides just a few months prior.]

    Page 8
    M: Truthfully, I don't know everything there is to know about my brother.
    Most of my memories are filled with our playfighting at our dojo.

    Page 9
    M: I'm still in the dark about what kind of a person he was when he was running with the Black Dragons.

    Page 10
    K: I feel similarly about Izana. My memories of him are frozen in time from when we were still kids.

    Page 11
    K: The time he spent in Juvie with the rest of the S62 generation will forever remain a black box to me.
    K: I sometimes think -- that I never truly understood him at all.
    M: I'm not sure if this counts as an "undestanding", but I think, that Tenjiku was more "family" to Izana than I, or Emma, or Shinichiro could ever aspire to be.

    Page 12
    SFX *tearing up*
    M: Ah
    M: Sorry, I didn't mean to upset you--
    K: I'm not upset, I'm not...
    M: ...
    K: Could you keep this a secret from others, please...
    M: I mean, we all saw you crying a few months ago. It's hardly even news.
    K: ((true...))
    K: Mikey,

    Page 13
    K: Do you think we could've understood them better if we had more time
    M: Mm, not really
    M: Our time on this planet is so short compared to things like the solar system
    K: ((is this guy's concept of 'time' on an astronomical scale...))
    M: You know the Sun's going to explode in like 8 billion years
    M: Maybe if we all had 8 billion years... then maybe--

    Page 14
    M: --maybe we could scratch the surface.
    K: [I wonder]

    Page 15
    K: [--if, perhaps, I had tried too hard to extend your time here]
    K: [You were the first person I had ever met who was as terrible at living life as Izana or me]
    K: [Who could blame you]

    Page 16
    K: [I could tell that nothing mattered to you anymore because you had long lost everything that you had ever loved back. And yet --]

    Page 17
    K: [I had tried so desperately to keep you alive. And for what]

    Page 18
    K: [I was not your "hero". I was not your "servant". And you were certainly, not my "king".]

    Page 19
    K: [Whatever "we" were --]
    M: You're heavy.
    K: Mm.

    Page 20
    K: [May have been something I would never be quite sure how to put into words]
    K: I can hear all sorts of sounds coming from your stomach.
    M: ......I mean, it'd be bad if you didn't hear anything.
    K: [even if I was given 8 billion years to do so.]
    K: [One thing I am sure of]

    Page 21
    K: [--is that I am grateful for your existence, and for the ten years that we did spend together.]
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