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    ☆quiet follow Send AirSkeb request Yell with Emoji 💖 👍 🎉 😍
    POIPOI 4


    ☆quiet follow

    Doomscythe (Eng ver.)Notice:

    ▶Containing personal character's setup
    ▷Possibly different from official
    ▶I used translator mostly, I'm sorry if there has many mistakes ;;
    ▷Reference to Kyatto's art (thank you so much)



       Doom knelt on the ground, holding the man in his arms. The man's eyes were closed tightly, looked like lifeless, his breath faint as if it would cease at any moment. Doom couldn't believe that the person lying in his embrace, the one who had shared his everyday life, was the same person.


       Doom called out the man's name softly, but the owner of the name could not respond. Doppio's magenta front hair with black highlights, covered half of his eyes, and through the strands, one could still vaguely see his closed eyelids, as if he were simply peacefully asleep.

       A sudden wave of dizziness swept over Doom, and he felt his vision blur. The overwhelming sadness turned into tears, dropping onto Doppio's pale cheeks.

      Things shouldn't have turned out like this.

      Why did things become like this

      Thirty minutes ago, Doppio and Doom went to the supermarket as usual to buy daily necessities. Doppio dragged Doom out of house, because Doppio though Doom was too immersed in his Switch. Claiming that Doom's strength was greater than his, to asked him to help him carry things.

      —Doppio would never admit that he was actually tired of Doom always indulging in played Yoshi's Crafted World while neglecting him. Even if Doom looked at him with a pitiful expression and lowered ears , Doppio wouldn't soften because of it.

      "Doom, you shouldn't spend all day playing games like that. Sometimes you need to go out and take a walk."

      "You said you just wanted me to help carry things."

      "...So what It's for your own good"

      Doppio walked ahead with his hands in his pockets, but after a short while, he slowed down, allowing himself to walk side by side with Doom.

      Doom glanced at the man beside him. Doppio was humming a tune, completely unaware of Doom's gaze, just walked on his own.

      Unlike at home, for some reason, walking alone with Doppio on the street without any interruptions made Doom feel unexpectedly happy.

      "Doppio, I think going out for a walk sometimes is not a bad idea."

      "Hmm Have you had a change of heart That's the spirit, hehe."

      Doppio flashed a big smile, as deep down, he also enjoyed the moments alone with Doom. There were still many things about this world that Doom didn't understand, and Doppio hoped to introduce him to new things.

      "Doom, don't you think you've become smarter than when you first appeared"

      Doppio couldn't help but laugh as he remembered Doom's silly behavior, like not knowing how to turn off the flashlight on his phone.

      "Thanks to Doppio, I've learned a lot."

      Grateful for Doppio's teachings, Doom's mood soared. Doppio stopped in his tracks and reached out to pat Doom's head.

      "Good boy, good boy, head pat, head pat, hehe."

      Doom smiled, and in a moment unnoticed by both, a faint blush adorned both of their cheeks.

      Being able to spend ordinary days with Doppio was what made Doom happiest. In Doom's heart, there was nothing and no one more important than Doppio.

      He didn't even realize that he had—

      "What the What's happening"

      An eerie wind swept up the dirt and sand from the ground, swirling around Doppio and Doom. Instinctively, they both shielded themselves with their arms. The yellow-brown wind transformed into a creepy purplish-black. The sky darkened as the darkness slowly engulfed them.

      "Doom Be careful"


      Doom's last memory was Doppio reaching out to him, trying to grab hold of him. But before their hands could touch, consciousness slipped away. When Doom regained consciousness, he found himself in an unfamiliar environment, and Doppio lying beside him. No matter how Doom called out to him, he didn't response.

      "Doom And Destruction's Destined Incarnation: Diabolic And Divine Delivers Infinity. Darkness Overcomes Oblivion Ōkami Reaper."

      Doom looked up. It was a voice he had never heard before, deep and hoarse, yet strangely familiar. Rather than someone calling out to Doom, it felt as if the voice was directly transmitting into Doom's mind. But who could it be

      "Who are you"

      "Have you been with humans for so long that your memory is fading" The mysterious voice responded to Doom, but did not provide a definite answer. "It seems that making you remember who am I should be the top priority."

      Doom's head suddenly throbbed with pain, causing him to involuntarily groan as memories hidden deep within surged up, forcing him to confront the truths he had tried to forget.

      The source of the voice was the Lord of the Gods, who had no name. Doom only knew Him as the supreme being of "this world." As the reaper, entrusted with the duty of death, Doom fell under His jurisdiction, and His orders must be obeyed.

      "Why do you do this..."

      "You still refuse to acknowledge, do you" The deep voice reappeared, and in the darkness before Doom, a pair of red eyes emerged, staring straight at him. The sharp gaze seemed as if it could pierce through Doom. "You have violated the laws. I can give you one chance, or else face punishment."

      Doom did not answer. He didn't know how to respond. Violated the laws What had he done wrong And what did punishment entail

      The thing he refused to acknowledge was...

      "Do not forget who you are,"

      the sinister voice reappeared, this time with a hint of anger. If the voice had a physical form, it would surely cause great harm to Doom.

      "You are the god of death, how can you have personal feelings Let along a human being"


      It was time to face his true feelings.

      Doom didn't deny it, but he had always been afraid to confront the fact that he had developed extraordinary feelings for Doppio.

      He initially thought he simply wanted to spend everyday life with this human. However, he couldn't pinpoint when it started, but Doom found himself caring about every move Doppio made. He couldn't ignore even the slightest change in mood, and the curve of Doppio's lips tugged at Doom's heart.

      Hoping that Doppio could continue to smile happily, was Doom's wish.

      But now, Doppio lay powerless in Doom's arms, whether he would wake up again was still a mystery. Doom couldn't understand why Doppio had to be affected too.

      "Please spare Doppio, this is not his fault,"

      Doom pleaded, kneeling on the ground with Doppio in his arms. Tears flowed uncontrollably from his eyes as he begged the Lord of the Gods, imploring Him to show some mercy.

      However, for the Lord of the Gods, rules were rules, without exception.

      "Take that human's life, now."

      The command struck Doom's heart like a heavy hammer. Take Doppio's soul He couldn't do it. But if he disobeyed, it would be rebellion against authority. Without needing to be explicitly stated, Doom knew what the consequences would be for defying the order.

      "...I can't do it, and I won't."

      After a long silence, Doom spoke slowly. He lowered his head, looking at Doppio, who had yet to regain consciousness.

      Memories flooded his mind: sitting together at the computer desk, playing games, greeting the viewers who tuned in to watch their stream; Doppio often appearing impatient, still patiently teaching Doom how to use technology, and now Doom could even stream without Doppio's assistance; spending leisure time with Doppio and Poco Pio, watching anime movies in the living room... All these memories, big and small, were treasures cherished by Doom.

      "Good boy, Doom."

      The image of Doppio smiling and gently patting Doom flashed through his mind, his smile always warming Doom's heart, the thing he most wanted to protect.

      "Are you meaning that you refuse to obey my command"

      The Lord of the Gods spoke, his tone somewhat contemptuous, not believing that Doom had the courage to defy him.

      "I can give up everything, except him. I cannot abandon him," Doom raised his head again, his eyes filled with determination this time. He believed he wouldn't regret this decision. "He means more to me than my own life."

      As long as he could keep Doppio alive, Doom was willing to sacrifice anything. For Doom, Doppio was a presence that brought warmth and happiness to the world, and he couldn't let Doppio disappear from this world like this.

      "...It seems you have made up your mind."

      The ominous eyes narrowed slightly, as if mocking Doom's foolishness. The Lord of the Gods would not pardon anyone who defied Him.

      "I will take your life, and all living beings in this world will no longer have any memory of you."

      Including Doppio, no one would remember that Doom ever existed.

      "..If this means you won't harm Doppio, then I agree."

      "You are willing to exchange your life for the safety of this human Interesting. I accept your offer."

      Doom gently laid Doppio on the ground. There were many things he wanted to say to him, but unfortunately, Doppio couldn't hear him, and the Lord of the Gods wouldn't give him much time.

      Doom simply looked quietly at Doppio's face, wanting to capture everything about Doppio in his mind at the very last moment.

      ——If I have another life, I will find you again.

      Doom took off the necklace hanging around his neck and placed it in Doppio's hand. He knew it wouldn't make a difference; after today, Doppio wouldn't remember anything about him. But even so, if he could leave a trace of himself in this world, Doom would be satisfied.

      Bending down, he whispered a final farewell in the Doppio's ear.

      "Time is up."

      "...I'm ready."


      BEEP- BEEP-

      "Uh... so annoying..." The person on the bed turned over, irritated by the incessant alarm clock. "Damn it Let me sleep for five more minutes"

      The poor alarm clock met its demise as it was thrown against the wall, shattering into pieces.

      "Doppio—how long are you going to sleep Don't you have a stream this morning"

      Poco Pio pushed open Doppio's door, annoyed at being awakened by Doppio's loud voice.

      "Huh Oh shoot I almost forgot" Doppio sat up in bed, his hair disheveled. After confirming that he hadn't overslept, he breathed a sigh of relief. "I've been looking forward to streaming that game Scythekicks for so long. Can't disappoint my fans"

      As Doppio jumped out of bed, an unknown object fell from him, hitting the floor with a loud metallic sound. Doppio tilted his head and picked up the object from the ground, examining it carefully.

      It was a necklace, shaped somewhat like a sun, with a burgundy crystal in the center that sparkled brilliantly under the light. Doppio didn't recall ever seeing this necklace before, but it gave him a strong sense of familiarity, and even a feeling of... indescribable sadness

      As he gazed at the necklace, Doppio felt as if a blurry figure appeared before his eyes, but he couldn't quite make out who the person was.

      "Thank you, Doppio. I love you."

      For a moment, a voice flashed through Doppio's mind. Somehow, that voice was exceptionally clear, as if deeply engraved in Doppio's brain. But who was the owner of that voice Why would they say those words to him Doppio was clueless.

      The mysterious necklace, the enigmatic figure, the voice from nowhere—these inexplicable occurrences made Doppio feel like he had forgotten something important. No matter how hard he tried to recall, it all ended up being a blank.

      Giving up on thinking, but his intuition told Doppio that the necklace was something important to him and must be kept safe. Doppio hung the necklace around his neck, deciding to wear it for today's stream.

      He gave his cheek a light pat to wake himself up a bit, then jumped to his computer desk, opening the streaming software, ready to do what he loved most.

      "I'll bring happiness to everyone Let's go Doppio"




      "See you tomorrow Bye-bye Scythekicks"

      After bidding farewell to his viewers and ending the stream, Doppio slumped in his computer chair, stretching out in a massive yawn. Today's stream had been longer than usual, and he hadn't realized how quickly time had passed until it was already lunchtime.

      "Now, what should I cook for today... Hmm"

      The doorbell interrupted Doppio's contemplation on what to cook for lunch. Surprised by the unexpected visitor at this hour, Doppio wondered who it could be. Perhaps it was his father coming to take him out for lunch.

      Doppio rushed to the entrance, opened the door, and was met with a sight that wasn't anything he had expected.

      The person standing before him was a man slightly taller than him, with long hair of the same color as Doppio's, and a striking resemblance to Doppio himself, as if... he were Doppio's long-lost twin brother.

      Strangely, Doppio didn't feel unfamiliar with this mysterious man. Instead, he felt a strong sense of déjà vu, as if he knew who this person was and that he was incredibly important to him.

      "You... you are..."

      Upon seeing Doppio, the man flashed a gentle smile.

      "Do you remember me Doppio."

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