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    ☆quiet follow Send AirSkeb request Yell with Emoji 💖 👍 🎉 😍
    POIPOI 4


    ☆quiet follow


    ▶Containing personal character's setup
    ▷Possibly different from official
    ▶I used translator mostly, I'm sorry if there has many mistakes ;;

    Sakura - Doomscythe (EN)The gentle spring breeze carried the scent of cherry blossoms, their petals dancing in the air like a delicate pink rain. The weather today was perfect, with the sun peeking out from behind fluffy clouds, and the temperature just right for a day out.

    Doom felt the breeze brushing against his face as he absentmindedly looked up at the cherry blossom petals fluttering around. He sat shoulder to shoulder with Doppio under one of the cherry blossom trees in the park, enjoying their afternoon break together.

    "Hey, Doom Did you hear me"

    "...... Sorry, Doppio, I didn't hear you calling me."

    "What are you looking at You're so focus on it" Doppio remarked.

    "Nothing, I just think cherry blossoms are beautiful." replied Doom.

    Doom couldn't tear his gaze away from the swirling cherry blossom petals. It wasn't his first time seeing cherry blossoms, but he was always deeply captivated by these delicate pink blooms.

    "You really like cherry blossoms, don't you" Doppio observed.

    "Cherry blossoms are very important for me." Doom replied.

    Every time Doom looked at cherry blossoms, he couldn't help but think of a particular cherry blossom tree. Unlike the lush tree before him now, that tree he remembered was quite different. Its petals were almost withered, with only a few blossoms clinging desperately to its branches. Its visible age hinted at its seniority, standing alone in the darkness.

    Before coming to this world, Doom often saw that cherry blossom tree. Lonely yet resilient, even in the sunless realm of the underworld, it still strove to bloom. Doom greatly admired this beauty of life. Though it might seem contradictory for a reaper like him, it didn't hinder his appreciation for beautiful things.

    When he came to this world, whenever cherry blossoms were in full bloom, Doom always asked Doppio to take him to parks with cherry blossom trees to admire them. Unable to refuse Doom, Doppio always went along with him, even delaying his scheduled streams for him.

    "I might not fully understand, but you enjoy it that’s enough." Doppio chuckled. Seeing the gleam in Doom's eyes, he couldn't help but find him adorable. As long as Doom was happy, that was enough to make him content. "The breeze feels nice, doesn't it"

    Doom didn't respond, only closing his eyes to feel the gentle spring wind brushing against his face. His tail wagged slightly behind him. They say a dog's tail is the indicator of its emotions, and anyone could tell from Doom's tail that he was in a very good mood.

    How could not be happy when admiring flowers with someone he liked

    "Doom Hello Doom Are you still awake"

    "...... I accidentally dozed off."

    "You fell asleep sitting up That's quite impressive of you" It was hard to tell if Doppio genuinely admired him or was teasing him. "If you want to sleep, lie down. It's more comfortable that way."

    Doppio gave his thigh a pat, gesturing for Doom to lie on it. Seeing Doppio's beaming smile as he offered his thigh, Doom couldn't help but feel shy.

    "What are you hesitating for Come on" Seeing Doom looking like he wanted to but was too shy, Doppio grabbed his arm and forcibly pressed him onto his thigh. "I'm gonna be watching you~wushuwushuwushu."

    "Stop it, Doppio," Doom said, though his heart was secretly happy.

    Doom lay on his side on Doppio's thigh while Doppio gently stroked his long hair, humming a tune as if soothing a child to sleep. Occasionally, he lightly patted Doom's back or scratched his ears. Hearing Doom's contented purring satisfied Doppio's inner desires.

    From the moment Doom first appeared, Doppio always thought of him as a big troublemaker. He seemed to know nothing and was rather foolish, always causing Doppio a myriad of problems, big and small.

    But at some point, Doppio began to care about Doom's various emotions. His heart followed Doom's smile, hoping he would always be smiling like that.

    Even though Doom's appearance resembled his own—no, Doppio admitted Doom was even more pretty—he still found it surprising that he could fall for someone who looked so much like himself.

    But so what Doppio didn't care. The fact that he liked Doom was undeniable. As long as he and Doom could spend each day happily together, that was enough to make him content.

    "Do you like it when I touch you like this, Doom" Doppio leaned in slightly, whispering softly into Doom's ear. He even breathed a little, noticing how Doom's ear twitched when his breath touched it.

    Doom responded with a few more soft purrs instead of words, his fluffy tail swaying gently. Without needing words, it was clear that Doom was thoroughly enjoying it.

    Their feelings were mutual. Doom also harbored an extraordinary affection for Doppio. Though they had never formally confessed to each other since realizing their true feelings, through their daily caring and interactions, they both knew deep down that the other also had feelings for them, never once doubting it.

    As Doom's breathing gradually slowed, he smoothly drifted off to sleep. Seeing the person he liked sleeping comfortably on his thigh, Doppio couldn't help but feel proud. He moved with utmost care, afraid that any sudden movement might disturb Doom's peaceful slumber.

    "Good boy, Doom."

    Doppio whispered Doom's name with a soft breath. His lips curved into a gentle smile. He unexpectedly found himself to be someone who enjoyed romantic love. Whether reading comics or playing games, he was often moved by the love depicted in them. Now Doppio realized that immersing himself in love was such a blissful thing.

    The mood between them was like the spring breeze carrying cherry blossom petals in the afternoon, gentle yet sweet. Legend has it that lovers who stayed under a cherry blossom tree would receive the blessings of the cherry blossoms, staying together for a long time.

    Hopefully, things would stay like this forever.

    Doppio stretched lazily. Not only Doom, but even he felt like dozing off under the gentle breeze. Leaning back against the trunk of the cherry blossom tree, he rested his hand on Doom's shoulder and closed his eyes, drifting off into a deep sleep.

    In their dreams, they both saw each other, smiling at each other under the cherry blossom tree.
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