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    ☆quiet follow Yell with Emoji 💖 👍 🎉 😍
    POIPOI 32


    ☆quiet follow

    The weather might be warmer now, but that doesn't stop me to write a cozy DayTez fic.

    [DayTez + Hot Cocoa] An unusually cold day hit Mictlanpa.

    The Aztec underworld’s temperature usually stayed on the lukewarm side. Not too cold it chilled the bones of the dead, nor it was too hot to burn them. So, when an anomaly hit home, the master of the house was the first to notice.

    Since Tezcatlipoca was summoned from Pan-Human History, the system of his underworld was still connected with the working of Earth from the proper timeline. It was him who applied the rule to Mictlanpa after the destruction of Nahui Mictlan, making the underworld’s climate aligned with the climate of the Americas. Judging by the date on the calendar, this was the time for winter. Naturally, the god had anticipated the weather change & installed a fireplace in his residence.

    Besides, this time he didn’t have to come to Chaldea. Finally he could kick back, relax, and spent the rest of his break with Daybit. Something that the other man must’ve cheered for, considering how often the god had to leave the house. Duty calls. Hard to ignore.

    For this special night, the god tied his hair in a high ponytail. He ran his finger along his hair, making sure his golden lock cascaded softly behind his nape. He wore his puffy white sweater with a pair of jeans, then walked to the kitchen to make two mugs of hot chocolate. The aroma of the cacao powder filled the kitchen as Tezcatlipoca poured hot water into the clay pot and stirred it until froth formed on the drink’s surface. He closed his eyes and took the familiar smell in, adjusting his mood to match the occasion.

    “Two hot xocolatl coming up” Tezcatlipoca announced his arrival when he stepped to the living room, mugs in hands. The sweet smell of marshmallows blended with the scent of singed hickory woods in the fireplace. Together, they created a warm, nostalgic atmosphere. Perfect for a cold day.

    Even Daybit, who already made himself comfortable inside a thick blanket, couldn’t resist the aroma. The young man perked up when the god came to him, his purple eyes wide at the sight of hot chocolate. Tezcatlipoca looked back at the young man with glee in his heart.

    By Ometeotl, he’s so cute when he’s excited like that.

    The blonde man sat beside Daybit, keeping enough distance between them, and handed one mug for him. “Here’s yours. A reward for not loitering near Quetzalcoatl’s territory while I was gone,” he quipped.

    Daybit took the mug and gave the god a quick “Thanks”, no comment on the “loitering” part. He was about to drink the chocolate when he suddenly frowned and stared at the god.

    Tezcatlipoca sipped a little from his own cup when he noticed Daybit’s eyes on him. “Hm”

    “I want to make sure this isn’t a pure dark chocolate like the one you gave me as ration back in Nahui Mictlan.”

    Tezcatlipoca waved his hand. “Nah. Relax, Bro. Nobody has bitter drinks over here. This ain’t no battlefield, plus I checked that your people celebrate winter holidays in this time of the year. Some festivities in Mictlanpa wouldn’t hurt my reputation, am I right”

    Daybit shrugged. “If you said so. Actually, I was expecting a prank.”

    “The fuck that’s supposed to mean Now drink it before it gets cold.”

    Tezcatlipoca’s serious face finally convinced Daybit to drink his chocolate. The young man blew the top of the drink a few times to cool it off, then took a sip.

    “It’s actually sweet.”

    “Told you.”

    The playful banter died down as both men got back to enjoying their hearty beverage, accompanied by the sound of crackling fire. The orange-red flame danced before their eyes, creating a sunset-like hue that fell on their equally pale skin.

    Perhaps Tezcatlipoca got way too deep in his own jubilant mood. When Daybit turned to stare at the god again, the older man also turned his head to meet the other’s gaze. Under the sunset-like hue of the fire, the younger man’s amethyst eyes gave off a different vibe. Ethereal, yet concealed an obvious concern.

    “Your body temperature feels colder,” said the young man.

    Tezcatlipoca took a sip of his chocolate. Indeed, he had been feeling rather sluggish since the beginning of the day. He always felt cold; it was kind of a given when you’re a manager of the so-called underworld. A slight drop of body temperature was just a minor annoyance.

    “Eh, this is normal. This is not Nahui Mictlan. You don’t have to constantly check on me. But that xocolatl, though, it’ll eventually get colder. There’s nothing more disgusting than a cold xocolatl.”

    Tezcatlipoca tried to shift the topic before the younger man pried further. He talked about setting a camp for the spirit of the deinos, to which Daybit immediately approved. They talked about the spirit of past warriors that still lingered here. About their own future plans when Daybit was ready to return to Earth.

    At this moment, Tezcatlipoca discovered Daybit’s new penchant for making humorous banter. The younger man tried to joke. It was so dry and ridiculously missed the mark it made Tezcatlipoca laughed.

    The god laughed like he never laughed in his entire life. He slapped the young man’s back and keeled, wiping tears from the corner of his eyes. Perhaps it was the joy and festivities on Earth that slowly affected his domain and his own mood. He stopped laughing when his entire muscles ached. He leaned closer to Daybit and leaned his head on the other’s shoulder, slowly catching his breath.

    “That was so lame it’s funny, Bro. Didn’t expect that coming,” said Tezcatlipoca softly in-between his breathing. Feeling more cozy than ever, he looked up to Daybit’s amethyst-colored eyes and smiled. “Got another one”

    The god got his answer in the form of a pair of soft lips touching his.

    “Your xocolatl still tastes bitter,” replied Daybit calmly. He licked his own lips quickly before smiling back in satisfaction. “Good thing there’s something sweet nearby.”

    Tezcatlipoca snickered, hiding the fact that his cheeks felt warm and his heartbeat quickened. “You and your never ending cringe jokes.”

    The blonde man pulled Daybit closer, giving him more of what he wanted. This was a holiday season, after all. Sharing the joy of life was an absolute must, and Tezcatlipoca was always up for it.
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