SPUR METhank you, Fox Detective🧡🦊Thank you for the joy you bring, we love you.
DONE「靴下をあげる練習をする伊黒小芭内」Banksy[Love is in the Air]のパロディです。
普通にしてたら、ただの汚れです。 3
Tau vomits(*not that violent a description, but just in case).
I love him so much also including the description of him getting(feeling)sick.
'Cause I feel humanity in it. 6
"I love the way you're screaming my name."
《Bullet Train》Tangerine /《Cosmopolis》Eric Packer crossover
inspired by IvesNeil 3
釋水 迦楼羅
PROGRESS『Love The BEAST』ギル×エマ漫画進捗
ものすごく序盤なので、まだ色々本編ネタバレは含んでいませんが、後々ある予定。(あくまでも予定💦) 16
DONE #あなたの文か絵のワンシーンを私の絵で描くタグで描かせていただいたワンシーンです。
The falling-out of lovers is a renewing of love 2
DONE #GalleryOfRoses Beacuse of the new Twitter policy,I'm so afraid to posting my art.I'M SO SORRY TO USE POIPIKU🥺🥺but I have to say the new year dress is so fucking cute!!!!I love that
DONE🍃💐 venrinAll day long, they sing for the city
But tonight, they sing for each other, so pretty
For their love is a song, forever to be
An eternal melody, for all to see.
DONE🍃💐 venrinWith lips meeting softly, a tender embrace,
Their souls unite, bound in timeless grace,
The cecilias watch on, their petals aglow,
In awe of the love these bards bestow.
※頒布終了した拙作ビトユウ本「Love is in the Air」より掲載。
ご購入いただいた皆様、ありがとうございました! 3474
PROGRESSPeople love action and dynamics…But has no idea that the depictions slice of life imagery is the hardest thing to draw and execute 😂Art is nothing but suffering 😂
*Password: hou*ehu*band 4
DONELina met an Illager, but she herself is an villager, but can transform into an illager so she can talk with him, but can she hide it? will Lina fall in Love with the illager and why?Eric And Lina 'Why Do I Like Him'Eric And Lina 'Why Do I Like Him'
"You will heal, drink this and you will be fine" Lina lay in bed very sick while a cleric in training gave her a healing potion. She drank the drink and sat straight. "What happened to you" asked the cleric. "Fell" said Lina. "Okay the name is Felix by the way I really like your style" Lina wore a cloak that resembled that of an Illusioner. Everyone around knew her story the villager with the beautiful blue eyes she had from her mother who disappeared. She only knows her mother is an Illusioner and was born a villager. "Thank you,” said Lina. "Rest now" said Felix and walked out the door. A few days later someone entered the library she and her father ran even though Lina was much more busy practicing archery and her Illusioner magic. "Hi Lina" said Felix "What are you doing here is someone sick" asked Lina. It was strange because he is from the Savannah and she is
8109"You will heal, drink this and you will be fine" Lina lay in bed very sick while a cleric in training gave her a healing potion. She drank the drink and sat straight. "What happened to you" asked the cleric. "Fell" said Lina. "Okay the name is Felix by the way I really like your style" Lina wore a cloak that resembled that of an Illusioner. Everyone around knew her story the villager with the beautiful blue eyes she had from her mother who disappeared. She only knows her mother is an Illusioner and was born a villager. "Thank you,” said Lina. "Rest now" said Felix and walked out the door. A few days later someone entered the library she and her father ran even though Lina was much more busy practicing archery and her Illusioner magic. "Hi Lina" said Felix "What are you doing here is someone sick" asked Lina. It was strange because he is from the Savannah and she is
DOODLE[OC Ship] CarniAlphiI love their dynamic and the toxicity behind it~✨
!!Light Gore Warning!!
DOODLEGirls! Miyuki and An are adorable... love the little sisters. I'll do Yukari and Chloe sometime too!galaxsci
DONESatanael and Loki having an intimate meeting in the Velvet Room, perhaps. Not 100% happy with it, but I love trying different things and this was a real shading exercise for me. 2たらこ
DOODLETroubleshootin’のFAまとめ No.2アナログ落書きがほとんどです
*Most of them are analog illustrations, so they may look dirty due to dirt on the paper. 44
DOODLEKnights of the Zodiacでの白銀さんたちが表情豊かで良かったので
BIG LOVEに全部もってかれてしまう
DOODLEダンテ主 ハーゲンダッツの日らくがきToday is the foundation day of Häagen-Dazs Japan🤗 We love ice cream, & I also love people who eat it with relish
日本限定フレーバーが40種類くらいあるとの記事を見ました 多分古い記事だったかもしれません、40どころじゃない気がしますので🍨
DONEWakathoma nsfw weekDay 5 - Aftercare
Thoma passed out after their intense love making but Ayato is there to take care of him. Thoma decided to make breakfast the next day to make up for it too 😙
DOODLEI love the MT2 Uriel design, so I had to draw it. So pretty, even with long and short hair.Michael loves them both, too. ( ̄ε ̄@) Uriel is embarrassed! ヽ(//`⌒´//)ノ
DOODLEなんか色んなちとお、汚いrkgk。ちとおちとおyet another ちとお and moreちとお THE LOVE OF MY LIFE I lvoe i lovr((とちょっと意味不明イメソン
8p 月/に/花/咲け、9-10pレ/ムの/魔法、14p 深/昏/睡、24pガー/ネ/ットの/涙
15p ->1枚 ひとお、 28
DONEInspiration from Yuannaoi.Sukuna love the little brat.
#sukunaryoumen #girl #y/ngirl #nsfw #18+
DONEInspiration from Yuannaoi.Sukuna love the little brat.
#sukunaryoumen #girl #y/ngirl #nsfw #18+
DONE猫の日のダンテと人修羅くんとライドウくん達の絵です🐈⬛ ノクマニトリオ!I love to make the Demi-fiend sandwich with Dante and Raido❤💚💜
この絵もですが、TwitterにUPしたものに言わなきゃわからない程度の微修正してからUPすることもあります 「UPした瞬間に経験値が入ってレベルアップするので修正点が見つかる」説はマジです
TRAINING【Translated English.】This comic is made from an episode in which Soseki Natsume described "I love you" as "The moon is beautiful" in Japanese.
MOURNING🍕🎧 [ディノフェイ] Make out the love키스만 함
해야 할 것도 없고 방해할 사람도 없는, 온전히 두 사람만의 오후였다. 바깥으로 나갔다가는 페이스를 알아보는 팬들에게 잡힐 것 같았기 때문에, 두 사람은 밖으로 나가 무언가를 하는 대신 햇빛이 들어오는 방 안에 앉아서는 모처럼의 여유를 즐기고 있었다. 키스는 집 관련으로 정리할 게 있다며 나갔고 주니어는 형과의 약속이 있어 아예 자고 온다고 했던가. 뭘 하는지 휴대폰을 두드리는 페이스를 힐끗 본 디노가 진동이 울리는 제 휴대폰 화면을 확인했다.
[키스 오늘 늦게 와]
[늦게 오면 담주에 술 사줄게]
[아예 안 와도 좋고]
[너 이러는 거 페이스도 알아]
3462[키스 오늘 늦게 와]
[늦게 오면 담주에 술 사줄게]
[아예 안 와도 좋고]
[너 이러는 거 페이스도 알아]
DONEHitoshi Shinso and Tsuyu Asui like the phantom of the opera※I really like to draw these two characters together (I would love for the ship to be canon)
DONEenhonopoly Prompt: Hawks and Enji get hit by what they think is a fuck or die quirk; however, the cure is really admitting they’re in love 3おいしい牛乳
PASTJudo/Karate #Gallirei 柔道AU #ガリライPorco, karate team's new captain, joined judo team because he wonders why judo team is so popular but falls in love with the team captain Reiner 5
With love to the organizers and friends!❤️🔥