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    POIPOI 27


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    Continuation of Neural Cloud AU Daybit.

    The Void AngelsIn truth, there are so much more that Daybit knows about the radio noises in his head than what the Department of Astronomy concludes in their research.

    The voices, which Daybit dubs “void angels” due to their resemblance to the choirs he used to hear in a church, reveal the secrets of the universe to him that mankind themselves have yet to discover and give him visions of what Earth will be like in the coming future. Daybit sees that the constant exploitation of Relic technology will eventually reach the point where beings from outer space regard the Earth as a surging military force threatening other life forms. At that point, these beings will launch their attack and annihilate all life forms on Earth. The angels choose to show the vision to Daybit as he isn’t bound to human morality as a Doll yet possessing mental capability that surpasses robots and compassion for human. If the Doll loves human so much, then preventing humanity from progressing toward becoming the universe’s archenemy is the path he must take from now on.

    Thus, Daybit makes it his mission to destroy every attempt to exploit Relic technology. He decides that joining Project Neural Cloud will give him more information on how companies use (and misuse) this technology from the inside.
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