The Who
DONE【English ver.】DQB2 unofficial fancomic (action comedy)The builder(boy) and Malroth fight against monsters who bother residents on an island.
Please forgive my poor English!
June 28.Corrected typo. 48
DOODLEThis is another of my Heaven Official's Blessing OCs. Meet Xiang Xin Yi. A tiger who cultivated to gain a human form and became the deputy martial god in General Tai Hua's palace.elden_things
DONEComic about food.I wondered about who did the cooking most of the time, I felt like it was D, I think he learned because he wanted to cook for Devin. 4
DONEI'm someone who likes to see the man I like do his best even when he's falling apart, but I've never really drawn dismemberment... I tend to draw him injured in the story rather than just injured.まつ吉
Wars and coups d'etat are happening all over the world.
It is very sad that it is the citizens who are affected.
DOODLETartali "perfume" ENverThe story of Childe who likes the scent of Xiansheng who wears perfume of silk flowers.
※Complementary cartoon (※ 3
ti kau
DOODLESorry for the dirty handwriting.Short cartoon by SONNY (BOTTOM) who wants to be TOP.
Different character personalities and tone of voice, sorry.
pass on pin twt 9
DOODLE[InuShiba] There is only (—) in the world who doesn’t know that Dazai-san and Chuuya-san are dating! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !AnnaSarina
DOODLE[InuShiba] The two who refuse to admit defeat, without him, are just a bit of a mouthfularid plain
DOODLEResident evil vod doodleCat and a stripe-less Toranken
why is he in a skirt
whenever I do this kind of thing you can hardly tell who its supposed to be
Ill get the tigers out of my system eventually
DOODLE🔞タル鍾 💧🔶優位に立とうとして返り討ちに合う先生。
(A Zhongli who tries to gain the upper hand and gets beaten back.)
Are you 18 years or older?(y/n) 3
DOODLERealistic sex doll
The sex doll lives in my heart, and if there is any question about who inspired this doll, it can be given its own name.
SPOILERI feel greatly amused when asked someone who has "soft white fur, black paws, and blue eyes." One of the available answer is Barton XD (from Phylishy's new costume's story).emiyacuchulainn
TRAININGEpisode 3Who is coming...?👤
Emiya shocked and conjured up weapons, but the guy told him there are some bad bacteria or viruses here.
This man is White Blood Cell (WBC), and his name is U1146. 4
DONENezuko Kisaeng (네즈코 기생)👧🏻🌸(The Kisaeng,and sometimes called ginyeo, were artists who worked to entertain others, such as yangban and kings.
MEMOthere was this Seer who's having all of the joy in me and my friends fun Double-Teaming.28実録 フレンド芸者と行った28やさで、めちゃくちゃ遊ぶ占いがいた 2
DONE(klenavi) a Navigator who sometimes got back to his old mindless habit from being alone in the underground for 17 years, and a Kleken who knows but says nothing about it. (6P/end) 6Lapinagil
DONEThe bedtime story that the twins told has someraindrop jelly.In their dream, they tasted sweet raindrop jelly with swimming ✨
Let me thank to the author who wrote that story🙏
DONEI don't like when Ace smile to the othersBut that's fine
Since I'm only the one who can see such a face
DOODLEMaking demon ocs based off the Seven Deadly Sins with a friend.Here’s my first one, Indigo who was blessed by the Demon, Asmodeus and represents Lust. 2
MOURNINGThis is the story of Jarod and Micaiah who to fail to die.It's a strong delusion, so be careful!!
(I used Google Translate)Daein's army, which achieved Daein's liberation, was very excited.
There are many celebrations such as the declaration of the liberation of Daein and the ceremony for Micaiah to receive the title, but at Daein Castle, which is the place where the important celebrations are held, the bodies of the soldiers of the garrison remain unrolled and desolate.
First of all, preparations were steadily progressing in the army to mourn and bury them.
Mercy and affection tend to fade during battle, partly du 4850
TRAININGFree drawings for those who dared to write to me on twitter. I can still write about the drawings с: 2 part 3KaviTata
TRAININGFree drawings for those who dared to write to me on twitter. I can still write about the drawings с: 1 part#twstプラスB #twstプラス #Malleus_Draconia #OC #Divus_Crewel 3
PROGRESS #Valuestale #UT_AU“The one who passes judgment in this word.“