1111Part 1……
“Sorry it’s messy.” Ajax steps aside to let Zhongli enter his house. His hand feels damp and clammy, not expecting this development at all.
Zhongli gives the room a quick scan before replying with that unperturbed calmness of his, “It’s not that messy.”
Well, considering Ajax hires a housekeeper thrice a week, it’s to be expected. Then again, what’s with all these painful small talks
3903“Sorry it’s messy.” Ajax steps aside to let Zhongli enter his house. His hand feels damp and clammy, not expecting this development at all.
Zhongli gives the room a quick scan before replying with that unperturbed calmness of his, “It’s not that messy.”
Well, considering Ajax hires a housekeeper thrice a week, it’s to be expected. Then again, what’s with all these painful small talks